About Felix Fuhg

Felix Fuhg is PhD-Student at the Center for Metropolitan Studies in Berlin. After finishing his Bachelor of Arts in Modern History and Philosophy at the Georg-August-University Göttingen he received a Master of Arts in History of 19th and 20th Century from Free University Berlin. In his research he explores the impact of post-war globalization on the urban working class youth and analyzes how migration, cultural transfer and economic changes shaped a new generati onal understanding of Britishness in the 1960s. His research interests are the methods and theory of Global History, British history of the 19th and 20th century, imperial history and the history of decolonization, the history of work and leisure as well as the history of youth cultures.

Workshop: “How to Write and Conceptualize the History of Youth Cultures” (Berlin, 30.6.-1.7.2016)

Initially, delinquency and crime provided the lens through which academics discussed youth culture. Studying deviant behaviour ensured that criminologists focused on questions of re-education and the relationship between the newly-branded ‘teenager’, delinquency and youth culture.With the emergence of Cultural Studies in Britain, ‘youth’ was interpreted in generational terms, through which a critical understanding of the changing nature of British society could be inferred. Across the academic landscape of historical studies, however, youth cultures tend to play but a minor role in general overviews and historical narratives of the history of European societies after 1945.

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Lectures: Pophistory at the Institute of Historical Research (London, May & June 2016)

British pophistory is not just visible in London’s physical and cultural landscape. Upcoming events related to the history of pop culture at the Institute of Historical Research representing the long tradition of studying the everyday culture of people in Britain: Continue reading

Projektskizze: “Growing up in the Metropolis. London’s Youth Culture in the Era of Globalization (1958-1974)”

Wollen wir verstehen was das Aufwachsen in der Metropole besonders macht, so müssen wir der Frage nachgehen, welche Eigenheiten städtische Gesellschaften besitzen. In seinem Aufsatz „Urbanism as a Way of Life“ definiert der Chicagoer Soziologe Louis Wirth die Stadt in Abgrenzung zum ländlichen Raum, charakterisiert durch Dichte, Heterogenität und Anonymität. Für Wirth war die Stadt “thus historically [..] the melting-pot of races, peoples, and cultures, and most favourable breeding-ground of new biological and cultural hybrids. It has not only tolerated but rewarded individual differences. It has brought together people from the ends of the earth because they are different and thus useful to one another, rather than because they are homogeneous and like-minded” (Wirth 1938:10). Continue reading