About Richard Legay

I'm a Media historian with a keen interest in Radio History and Popular Culture. I have a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Luxembourg and a M.Phil in Public History & Cultural Heritage from Trinity College Dublin.

Research project: Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the Long Sixties

Photo: Richard Legay (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Commercial radio stations Radio Luxembourg (French and English services) and Europe n°1 are the focal point of my PhD thesis (defended at the University of Luxembourg in November 2020.). They were popular institutions in Western Europe throughout the Long Sixties (1958-1974) working across media and broadcasting transnationally. My thesis Commercial Radio Stations and their Dispositif. Transnational and Intermedial Perspectives on Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the Long Sixties postulates the existence of an overarching dispositif of commercial radio stations that enabled them to operate on various dimensions and differentiated them from other broadcasters. Continue reading