After three semesters of looking into the medial premises and sociological dynamics of audiovisual cultures, our research focus of the winter term of 2023/24 will be on their historiographical implications. With this shift we take up discussions of previous semesters on topics such as the Cinematic Image and Historical Experience, as well as Material and Method. The notion of a historical phenomenology aims at the historicity of concrete forms of appearance and perception: To what extent can we think of audiovisual images as themselves bringing forth the spheres in which they emerge by shaping the possibilities of communal experience at a given point in time and space? Continue reading
Tag Archives: Archives
Listening Again to Popular Music as History (CfA, Deadline: Sept. 2018)
Jeffrey H. Jackson and Stanley C. Pelkey open their collection, Music and History (subtitle ‘Bridging the Disciplines’, 2005) by asking: ‘Why haven’t historians and musicologists been talking to one another?’ They suggest that at the heart of this absence is a problem of communication, concerning the distinct methods, knowledge and skills employed in both disciplines: does one need to be able to read, play or even ‘appreciate’ music for instance in order to make sense of it historically? On the other hand, do musicologists need an understanding of historiography to write histories of music? The issue for scholars in both disciplines is the status of the musical object: how to account for music as music, without losing a sense of its historical specificity. Continue reading
This Is The Modern World. Pour une Histoire Sociale du Rock
Du 13 au 15 juin 2013, s’est tenu à l’Université de Lille 3 et à l’Aéronef, salle de concert lilloise, un colloque international intitulé “This Is The Modern World. Pour une Histoire Sociale du Rock”/This Is The Modern World. For a Social History of Rock Music”. Il était organisé par Arnaud Baubérot (Paris Est Créteil, CHREC) et Florence Tamagne (Lille 3, IRHIS) qui animent depuis 2011, un séminaire consacré à l’ “Histoire sociale du rock”, en collaboration avec le CHS (Centre d’Histoire Sociale), de Paris 1 (voir billets spécifiques liés au séminaire). En 2012, une journée avait en outre été organisée à Paris Est Créteil et avait montré l’émergence des problématiques liées aux musiques populaires dans université française, et ce dans différentes disciplines (Musicologie, histoire, sciences politiques, littérature…voir billet afférent). Continue reading