CfP: New Perspectives in Popular Music Research: Changes and Turmoil (Deadline 3 Feb. 2022)

Conference: University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, 1–2 June 2022

Recent years have resulted in extensive changes in popular music production, dissemination, reception, and perception. New technological developments within music production and performance have created new creative possibilities for artists and bands as they make music and engage with the global music market. Many of these changes have been greatly accelerated by, if not the direct result of, the Covid 19 pandemic that has fundamentally disturbed the relationships between artists, fans, modes of performance, and music distribution. More than ever before, it has become critical to examine digitization, virtuality, creativity, and the music business as a whole in the context of such tumultuous changes. Continue reading

Séminaire Histoire sociale du rock (3e séance)

Pour ceux qui n’auraient pas pu assister à la seconde séance du Séminaire Histoire sociale du rock, vous pouvez la revoir sur Zoom:

19 mai 2021 :  Identités régionales et raciales

Manuel Bocquier (doctorant, EHESS, Mondes Américains, Centre d’Études Nord-

Américaines) : « Musique rurale et identité régionale : l’appropriation de la old-time music dans les lettres d’auditeurs (États-Unis, années 1930) ».

Isabelle Petitjean (docteure en musicologie, Sorbonne Université, professeure d’éducation musicale) : « Les dynamiques raciales dans la production de Michael Jackson ».


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